Wednesday 21 January 2009

Hauliers up in arms over hard shoulder use!

My dear wife is up in arms today, she is concerned about the hard shoulder running.

In theory it’s a good idea -  ease congestion by using the hard shoulder. It certainly saves money on widening the roads, but for a government so obsessed with Health and Safety, I cannot think why they would believe this is a good idea! In all honesty a few months back, I thought it was a good idea, now I am not so sure.

Imagine this scenario, a 44 tonne lorry has broken down at 4.15pm. The recovery services are called and the driver is waiting to be recovered. Rush hour arrives and drivers without thinking pile into the hard shoulder, making it impossible for the lorry to be recovered quickly, causes more congestion and puts the drivers life at risk.Hauliers up in arms over hard shoulder use!

I can see her point of view regarding lorries carrying hazardous goods / chemicals. Yes, they could get rammed and spilled and cause a far bigger catastrophe to the environment than what widening a lane would.

Would congestion actually ease? Would the traffic actually flow better for using the hard shoulder?

Where I am based in Thurrock a section of the A13 has had Chevrons painted in. Most vehicles drive evenly spaced with one chevron between them. This shows when there is an accident - the vehicles slow and effortlessly move lanes, because there is now the space to do that. Yes the traffic slows but it doesn't stop.

Could the government look into doing and enforcing these ways rather than putting peoples lives at risk?


What do you think?

