Saturday 26 July 2008

Road tax - have your say

The A2, United Kingdom, an example of a non-mo...Image via Wikipedia Yes, it’s true the Govenment wants to know what we think on road taxes etc.

Select Committee wants your views on road taxes and charges

The House of Commons Transport Committee is to look at road taxes and charges. It has several questions it wants answered, including what taxes and charges are paid to the government by road users, how much cash do they raise and how does this compare with national and local government spending on roads?
The committee also wants to know the effect of on individuals, businesses and the economy. It also wants to know about other ways of charging for road use; e.g. truck tolls and if foreign vehicles should pay to use UK roads.
If you have any points you’d like to make, get writing and tell them by Monday 29 September 2008.

More from Laura Kibby on +44(0)2 072 190 718 or

Can anyone think of any reason why foreign trucks should be exempt from our future road charges and tolls?

If so, please email Ms Kibby and let her know.



East London, Essex and Kent courier and parcel delivery

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